Kehitysyhtiötoiminnan kehittäjä

SEKES Board of Directors 2020

New Board for SEKES, the Association of Finnish Development Companies

At its annual meeting on 21 November 2019, SEKES, the Association of Finnish Development Companies, elected a new Board of Directors for 2020. The Board’s new chairperson will be CEO Elina Pekkarinen from Keski-Uudenmaan Kehittämiskeskus, aka Keuke.

  • “Development companies are at the heart of the work aimed at improving the vitality of their regions and also play a significant role as a window for companies into public and private business services. I consider this Team Finland-type collaboration vital for improving the availability of business services and the efficient targeting of enterprises throughout the country,” says Pekkarinen. “Experts working in development companies are a key interface towards corporate clients: in 2018, SEKES member organisations worked in-depth with about 30,000 enterprises and had more than 100,000 contacts.


In 2020, the SEKES Board will consist of the following:

Elina Pekkarinen, Keski-Uudenmaan Kehittämiskeskus Oy, aka Keuke; Chairperson

Risto Alaheikka, Pyhäjärven Kehitys Ltd

Ari Eklund, Prizztech Ltd

Jouko Laitinen, Navitas Business Services

David Lindström, Cursor Oy, Kotka-Hamina Regional Development Company

Jyrki Moilanen, Yrityssalo Ltd

Pasi Pitkänen, Raahe District Development Center

Stefan Råback, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK

Terho Savolainen, Iisalmen Teollisuuskylä Oy

Sari Turtiainen, Pudasjärvi Development Ltd

The Board’s expert members in 2020 are Jarkko Huovinen from the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Satu Grekin from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises and Susanna Kallama from Finnish Enterprise Agencies.

Further information: Jaakko Helenius, Executive Director of SEKES, tel: +358 500 498 020 or

SEKES – the Association of Finnish Development Companies is comprised of the development companies and business service departments owned by various cities and municipalities throughout Finland. The SEKES network plays a vital role in strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises and boosting regional vitality. In addition to its 49 ordinary members, the SEKES association members include the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, Finnish Enterprise Agencies, the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA).


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